
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another New French Book Giveaway!

Kristin Espinasse is a rock star in the Francophile blogging world; her site and its corresponding newsletter, French Word a Day, has an astounding 33,882 subscribers. The site, now updated three times weekly, introduces new words and phrases in French and then illustrates their meaning through charming stories drawn from Kristin's daily life: she's an American married to a French winemaker, raising two very-French children in Provence. A number of these short, autobiographical vignettes became Kristin's first book: Words in a French Life: Lessons in Love and Language from the South of France

And now Kristin has published her second book, this one called Blossoming in Provence. Here Kristin recounts more of her French adventures with her trademark honesty and humor, things such as meeting her husband's ex at a wedding, taking the French drivers exam and being humbled and enlightened daily as her children try to teach her, in their native tongue, the finer points of the language and culture she loves.

To celebrate the publication of the new book, Kristin has generously offered to give away four copies to my readers. To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment at the end of this post and we'll pick four winners  in the next couple weeks. Unfortunately this giveaway is open only to readers with U.S. adresses...but feel free to enter and, if you win, have the book sent to a U.S.-based friend. Don't forget to leave us your email address in the body of your comment or we won't be able to reach you. Go on then...enter now!

In the meantime, you can buy both of Kristin's books on Amazon, the first one here and the second one here.

And to learn more about Kristin or to subscribe to French Word a Day, click here.


  1. I love reading Kristin's blog - I have for several years! I would love to read her new book.


  2. Have enjoyed reading Kristin's blog, as well as her first book. Am awaiting another one, perhaps a take on life from Smokey's perspective!

  3. Since finding Kristin's blog (probably through this one) I have been an avid reader. She brings love and laughter to your day, I encourage everyone to sign up and I can't wait to read the book.

  4. Hello and happy new year.
    Francophile that I am I move to France with my family this year. I read everything I come across books from France. So I would like to be included in your give-away.
    Maliva from Norway;o)

  5. Happy New Year! I love both your and Kristin's blogs and would love to participate in your giveaway.
    Thank you both for the opportunity.
    xo Ida

  6. This is a new blog for me Julie and I am keen on the French word a day high school french is long gone. Hope you had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year! XO

  7. I am so happy to have discovered Kristin's books! I have just added them to my January 2012 list! Thank you Julie for the wonderful information once again!
    A Bientot and continued success with your amazing blog!

  8. Happy New Year. Thank you for the update on the new book which would be a joy to win. I love the French word a day, I hope some day it will help me when I travel to France.


  9. I found Kristin's first book several years ago, fell in love with her style, and then found her blog and have been following it faithfully ever since. I would love to read her new book. Regards, Claudia

  10. Funny, Kathy was just saying we should use French more around the house...

  11. Salut Julie and Kristin ;
    Kristin transports me back to Provence whenever I need a mini vacation and can't go to France . I go to my local "Provence cafe" here in the U.S. have a cafe au lait and a pain au chocolat and bring along one of her books to read et viola ! Merci Kristin !!!


  12. We love Kristin's blog. We now live in New Orleans and plan to move to Fance next year and we devour all we can read about it. Thanks for all your work

    Jack Snyder

  13. Yes, I love her blog and would love to have her new book. Thanks and Happy New Year!


  14. Having access to both your blog and to Kristins' provides me with regular "Provence fixes," from October through August. Only another 244 days until we're back in the place that we think of as "Heaven on Earth," - but hey, who's counting ...

  15. Love Provence and dream of going back. Would love to read this book to bring back wonderful memories.

  16. Kristin's blog is delightful but so is Julie's. Since I can't get to Provence that often reading these two blogs gives me a little piece of Provence every day. Would love to have Kristin's new book.
    Thanks, Brenda from Memphis, Tennessee

  17. J'aime le blog de Kristin, and I am even more devoted to you, ma chere Julie, bien sur. Hoping to visit you and Provence, avec ma fille francophone. A bientot, "Marc" Gilbert

  18. Happy New Year. I've been reading the Provence Post for about a year as was preparing for our trip to Goult last June. Sure would love to win a new book about France/Provence.
    Since I can improve my
    French vocabulary I will definately get some help from
    subscribing to Learning a French Word

    Jim (

  19. Choose me...choooooose meeee....choooooose meeeeee! (Oh, and Happy New Year to all!)

    vicki2201 at mac dot com

  20. Would love to own her latest book!

  21. I really appreciate the emotional honesty that's always present in Kristen's blogs. I have her first book both in hard back & on Kindle, and always get a lift from her posts. Would love to put volume two next to her first!!!
    Bonne Annee a tous!

  22. I am new to Kristen's blog and looking forward to becoming a regular follower. Best to all in 2012!

  23. I would love to own her book. I subscribed to her blog. I need all the french lessons I can get. Thanks for a great blog and keeping up my memories of St Remy and Provence.

  24. I've been enjoying kristen's blog for a while now as well as yours and other France newsletters.
    Would love to be part of the give away.
    Happy New Year -

  25. What a gorgeous Book! I would like to make a painting of the cover photo. I would love to win a book:

  26. Hey Julie: Happy New Year!
    I've been wanting to buy this book... but will wait in hopes that I win one copy!
    Hope all is well with you..

  27. I am a member of Kristen's blog~ I even make one of her recepi's for Tomatoe Pie! Delish!
    I have dreamed of meeting her one day<3

  28. How exciting. Already on my 2012 order list. This would be a gift to California friends we met in Provence. Thanks for the opportunity to be considered.

  29. I have been reading Kristen's word a day for some time now and really enjoy it, plus I learn the words/ phrases. Really want to read her book. Thanks

  30. I love Kristin's blog. Have been a faithful reader of her stories about her family and life in Provence. Was going to order from Amazon, but will wait to see if I win a copy. Merci.
    Geraldine Ventura

  31. Bonjour and Happy New Year.

    I love Kirstin's blog and enjoyed her first book, Words in a French Life, very much. Living in Maine it is such fun to read of life in Provence. I am attempting to teach myself French and the blog is very helpful with my project.

    Would love to own a copy of the new book!

    Margaret Shively

  32. I've read Kristin's blog for years enjoying her insights in French culture. I would love of get a copy of her book to give away as I have all of books including the self published ones.

    Shane Cook

  33. I've read Kristen's blog for years enjoying her insights into French culture. I would love a copy of her latest book to give away as I have all of her books.

    Shane Cook, Austin, Texas

  34. I've been reading FWAD for three years and enjoy it so much!

  35. I have been reading Kristin's blog for three years and enjoy it very much. Her photos are wonderful too!

  36. Susan Mellups (Goult)January 2, 2012 at 5:34 PM

    Here it is a new year and I am so pleased to know about a new blog to read when I am home (in Frederick, Md.) and missing the S of Fr.! Thanks for the tip, Julie.

  37. Devoted francophile who loves to read your posts as well as Kristin's--isn't it great that we have the opportunity to engage this way--even if we can't be in France right now. Thanks and Happy New Year.

  38. as i am lucky enough to live here,(albeit not in provence...) i can vouch for kristin's accurate observations! i would love to win her second book!

  39. Would love to enter! Fan of Kristin's. My email is

  40. I never heard of Kristin or her
    blog, but immediately signed up.
    God knows I need all the help I can get with my French vocabulary.
    Bonne et heureuse Annee to you, too.
    Barbara Gillam

  41. Love that she left like her mom, or did her mom leave like her?? And I'm glad she's at peace with her Step dad, I wish my beau's daughter would learn that lesson. I certainly accepted my dad's girlfriend, and so did my mother. That's one thing one should learn early, it's not for us to choose who makes another person happy. Not even someone who has to run away to MEXICO for god knows what... LOL... Is he a SERIAL KILLER ?? LOL.. As long as he makes your mother happy... What's for us to question?? Now send me the book, so I can learn how to say, sweet talking serial killer, with killer blue eyes.. yankee -- en francais!! LOVE to you all,, the francophile,

  42. Kristin, I too was a Francophile living in France! The only difference is that I did not find a charming French soulmate! I enjoy sharing your adventures, trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows
    Kudos to you for pursuing your dreams!
    Bonne Annee, tout en pensant de bonnes choses!!

    Andrea Feuardent Hughes, Redondo Beach, CA

  43. Count me in please!

    -Britt T.


  44. Pick moi,s'il vous plait! I have Kristin's first book already, and it would be such a thrill to win a copy of her second one! J'adore the French-Word-A-Day blog. It comes to me via email thrice weekly, and I love reading about Kristin and her family. My four dogs love to read about Braise and her son, Smokey.


  45. I greatly enjoy French Word A Day. I have been reading it for several years now and like Kristin, I have a deep passion for French culture..

    ~ Dana

  46. Fantastic book giveaway!

  47. I've been reading Kristin's blog for over 3 years, maybe 4 now. She has definitely helped me keep up my french!

  48. Although I am much older than Kristin, I am also an ardent Francophile and have enjoyed her email column and her first book for several years now. I also have a maman in the Phoenix, AZ, USA, area and I just missed meeting Kristin at her husband's wine tasting event a couple of years ago. If they come back for a visit, I hope it is in February or March, 2012, and this time I will be there to meet her for sure! She was kind enough to sign my books & mail them to me chez ma maman. J'espere que I win one of her nouveaux livres! Leslie G. Merci beaucoup!

  49. Thanks for introducing me to Kristin's blog. I love reading you and now her as well. Would love to read this book. I hope to get to Provence one of these days and you make me feel I am there already.

  50. Thank you for offering to give away four of Kristin's new book, Blossoming in Provence. Her short stories are a delightful way to be transported back to Provence and enjoy the daily life of French life and to learn the French language.
    Thanks to Kristin and to you for this wonderful opportunity to possibly have such a enjoyable book.

  51. I look forward to receiving 'French.Word.A.Day' each time it is posted. I Love France and the French language and culture! I first learned French in 4 years of U.S.high school. Also,I was a teaching French major,as well as Spanish and History, in college, but unfortunately I only taught History and Humanities during my 32 1/2 year teaching tenure. Kristin's blog is so helpful for me in reviewing and remembering my French language and culture studies. Now I have discovered another route to reading and learning more about France, Provence, through your Post newspaper. I am subscribing to it today. I would be so grateful and appreciative to receive a copy of Kristin's newest book via this contest.I Love France and the French. Language!!! Debby Polly.

  52. I'm one of her subscribers and enjoy it very much.
    Theresa N

  53. love Kristin's french word a day...the books are even better

  54. Would love to have a copy of Kristens 2nd publication...I look forward to reading it...

  55. Thanks so much for offering this giveaway - I'd love to have a copy of Kristin's book - Provence is my favorite place in the world :)

  56. Love Kristin's blog and first book -- they've helped me immeasurably with my still-mal French. Love Julie's blog, too -- which transports me to Provence while I'm sitting in LA.

  57. I definitely want to get my hands on a copy of this book for my mother in Philadelphia! She loves to stay updated on the French way of life and I just know she'd enjoy this read.

  58. I love reading Kristin's blog... I know I would love the book!

  59. I've ordered Kristin's new book from Amazon who generally deliver extremely quickly ... and I'm told I'll have to wait THREE WEEKS!!!
    Feeling very fustrated, but I'm glad it's so popular!
    Receiving Kristin's newsletter three times weekly is like a ray of sun appearing on my computer!

  60. I love Kristin's blog and can't wait to read her latest book.

  61. Kristin's stories are the perfect anecdotes for when life gets a bit humdrum. I LOVE her stories and her writing...keep them coming!

  62. I can't wait to read Kristin's new book. I follow her blog and even contributed a few comments-suggestions when she was editing it. So glad she let me know about your blog. I will subscribe aujourd'hui!

  63. I have been enjoying Kristin's blog and wonderful photos (especially those of Smokey and Blaise, I admit it!) for years now. Rock star, indeed! Marjie

  64. I have been subscribed to Kristin's blog since the member counter only had four digets. Through the years it has been how I start my day in Oregon on the days that it arrives in my in box. I though I would be learning French when I joined, but what I have learned is life.

  65. A few day ago I accidently stumbled upon Kristin’s blog, subscribed, and now am enjoying this petite excursion into French culture. It would be great to win this book and acquaint myself more intimately with her writing, but if not, I’d like to thank Kristin for her work (books and web blogging) as it is an absolute joy to read.

  66. Barbara Penn at barbarapenn@att.netJanuary 13, 2012 at 10:16 AM

    Barbara Penn from Palmdale, California:

    Have been reading & enjoying Kristin's blog for almost a year now. Love reading about her adventures & her photography makes me long to go to France. Have bought her two books (Blossoming in Provence just arrived.) Her books and blog are great for learning French language & culture. If I win a book I will give it to my French teacher friend who helps me brush up on my rusty French & goes to French movies with me!

  67. I read Kristin's blog all the time and love it. I'd also recommend another of my favorites: Emily in the Glass ( I'm a little partisan as she just had me guest-post on her blog....

  68. I have enjoyed reading Kristin's blog for a while now. She has made it feel as though we are friends, even though we have never met. Thank you Kristin. Have a great day, friend. : )


  69. I have enjoyed reading Kristin's blog for quite some time. I recommend it to everyone. In fact, Kristin's book was the first book I bought for my Kindle. I love it. I also love how Kristin makes us feel like we are friends - even though we never met. Thank you.
    Have a great day, friend. :)


  70. Kristin and her books bring our dreams of France to life. Congrats Kristin.

  71. Love Kristen's blog. It was inspiring to follow along as she worked on this book. Can't wait to read it!


  72. I feel like Kristin is a personal friend of mine...have followed her good and not-so-good times on her blog for years. France is one of our favorite places and Kristin has made it even more real and alive for both my husband and me. I'd love to read her second looks wonderful. I loved her first book...certainly helps me keep up with my French!

    Happy New Year Hugs,
    Abby Lazar
