
Friday, March 14, 2014

Get a Job, Will Ya?

One of the many pleasures of blogging for me has been getting to know my readers, both virtually and in person.  And over the years I've gotten something of a sense of who you are. I've come to realize that, while many of you are retired and in the ''let's travel!'' chapter of your lives, just as many of you are still toiling away in the working world, be it in France, the US, the UK, Australia or another country. 

And many of you have told me that you'd like to live and work in France one day, whether that means getting a job or starting your own business or moving your business to France or whatever. I hear from people who want to come next month...and next year...and ''one day soon." 

So if that's you...or someone you know...check out this free English-language Paris Startup Job Fair on April 5th. (I meant to share the last one with you but didn't get to it in time.) I know it's short notice for those of you who aren't in France but then again what a great excuse to grab a cheap flight, eh? Startup in this case means young companies such as Bla Bla Car, Deezer, My Little Paris, AppGratis, tinyclues, Invoxia, Bunkr, KelDoc, WeekendDesk.frCarnet de Mode and Mailjet all of whom participated last year. Fifty companies and 750 job seekers were there.

"Rude Baguette is happy to host the second edition of our Paris Startup Job Fair, which saw 100-plus jobs filled in its first edition," says the company's co-founder and editor Liam Boogar. "With unemployment at its highest in France, there are great opportunities for talent to find work in France, where tomorrow's top startups are being born!"

Anyone interested in the ''Paris Tech Ecosystem'' is also welcome at another cool networking event that Rude Baguette is hosting. This one is April 8 and all the details are here. If you subscribe to the Rude Baguette email newsletter, which covers the tech, digital and start-up world in France and elsewhere, you'll get notified about all future industry events, in Paris and other cities.

And while we're at it, here's another European job fair that might interest you. This one is the same day--April 5th--but in Amsterdam. It's sponsored by's more international in scope...and all the info is here.

Photo: The last Paris Startup Job Fair, in September, brought together 50 companies and 750 job seekers. More than 100 jobs were filled.

1 comment:

  1. Networking events are excellent for encouraging and nurturing start-ups, except in France where
    risk taking, hard work and starting your own business is frowned upon, discouraged by educators and rejected by financial institutions. The entrepreneur is simply without a place in French society. Glossy brochures and state sponsored apperos wont change anything. Keep your ideas for a warmer, more durable welcome elsewhere.
