
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Win One of These Beautiful New Books

Le Grand Véfour:
 the new book, the gilded dining room, a fish course, Michelin three-star chef Guy Martin.

Restaurant Sola: 
the new book celebrates the Michelin chef's exquisite  Franco-Japonais cuisine. 

From Must Eat Paris: the interior of Septime and pretty plates at La Verre Volé.

The good folks at ACC Art Books, a major distributor, just reached out to tell me about three new titles for the fall: two French cookbooks and and a guide to eating out in Paris. They asked if I was interested in receiving a copy of any one of them, perhaps to use in a give away. And I, well-mannered as always, said "How about all three?"

The answer was read on! Then leave a comment and you could win the title of your choice. All three books are in English.

Behind door number one we have: Le Grand Véfour (Editions du Chêne), with 56 signature recipes from the venerable Michelin three-star restaurant and its superb chef/owner, Guy Martin. One of the oldest "gourmet" restaurants in Paris (founded in 1784), Le Grand Véfour--next to the Gardens of the Palais Royal--is a true monument of French cuisine, a jewel of the 18th century "art décoratif" period and the cherished haunt of Parisian political, artistic and literary society for more than 200 years. (I ate there just once, 20 or so years ago, and finding my way back has been a goal ever since.) The book retraces the history of this splendid culinary landmark, with anecdotes and text about the many celebrities who've dined over the years, the chef's take on service and atmosphere and 141 color photos from food photographer Michel Langot, whose previous books include Chocolat (La Martinière, 2012) and Cuisine (La Martinière, 2011). 

The second book is the 288-page Sola (Editions du Chêne) featuring the exquisite Franco-Japanese fusion cuisine of Hiroki Yoshitake, chef of the Michelin one-star Sola, also in Paris. Considered one of the city's great talents, Yoshitake spent three years at the French restaurant La Rochelle in Sakai (Japan) before moving to Paris in 2009 and toiling in in a number of kitchens including L'Astrance. When Sola opened in 2010, Yoshitake was named its head chef...and he received his first Michelin star two years later. (Michelin says: "This restaurant is just a few yards from the banks of the Seine overlooking Notre Dame and yet you'd be forgiven for thinking you were already in Japan! The young Japanese chef is living proof that the cuisine of his home and adopted countries can combine to create harmonious and gracefully presented culinary creations.") This is the seventh book for author Chihiro Masui; previous titles include Petits Gâteaux, Astrance, Tartes and Amandine Chaignot.  Color photos (more than 100 of them) are by Richard Haughton a London-based Irish food photographer.

And last, we have Must Eat Paris (Lannoo Publishers), the fourth title in the Must Eat series. It's the perfect guide for anyone looking "for established values, new addresses and upcoming greatness" on their Parisian dining forays. The book has more than 100 tips from "super foodie" author Luc Hoornaert, who--with photographer Kris Vlegels--presents what he believes are the greatest spots right now for the best of French and international cuisine. From food stalls to small cafés to imaginative, high-end restaurants, Hoornaert sticks to his criteria: authenticity, devotion, high-quality ingredients and a no-nonsense approach to food. 

Ok, onward! To enter the contest, simply leave a comment under "comments" below. Tell me which book you'd most like to win and why. Make sure to leave your email address so I can reach you if you win; signing in with your Google account isn't enough. If you're confused by how to leave a comment, email your comment to me at and I'll post it for you. And don't forget your name, please. Bon Chance!


  1. We will be celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary in France with some time in Paris...MUST EAT PARIS would be perfect!

  2. thank you for this generous offer! I love your emails and site! Thank you for all.

  3. Oooh, what a selection! I think I'd like Must Eat Paris so I can plan my next trip!


  4. PS I enjoy all things French - so ANY of the the three would be most welcome!

  5. All three of the books sound wonderful. I would love to win Must Eat Paris since I spend half the year in Provence, (Maussane) and travel to Paris frequently. I also rent out our home during the summer and our guests are always asking about the latest and greatest places to dine in Paris.

    1. Hi Judy, thanks for entering! Many of my readers and clients ask me to help them find the perfect Provence I'd love to know about your Maussane house. If you'd like to share the info, link, etc., please email me at: And if you'd like to share the info with my readers here, please feel free. Merci!

  6. If I had to pick just one, I would say Le Grand Véfour looks delicious! Please pick me! Merci beaucoup for sharing with us!

  7. Argh - you told us to include an email and I forgot. I know better. So PLEASE forgive me for posting twice, but I would love love love to receive Le Grand Véfour. Thank you for sharing!
    Laura Lewakowski

  8. Love your blog and still think about our wonderful trip and your superb guidance. I'd love Must Eat Paris so I can plan my next trip to Paris! Best love, Patricia

    1. Hi PK! Great to see you here and thanks for the nice words! Hope you can come back to France--and Provence!--soon!

  9. Love your blog. Still think about our trip and your superb guidance. I'd Love Must Eat Paris so I can plan my next trip.
    Best love, Patricia

  10. Wow! I must say, it's a tie for me between "Must Eat Paris", and "Le Grand Vefour" (sorry, I can't do diacits on my tablet!).

    Many thanks for the opportunity!

    Lynn Rettig

  11. Oh...such a hard choice but I think _Must Eat I can plan for the next trip!

  12. I enjoy reading your blog as you manage to reflect the beauty of the Provence and France in a most wonderful way. Un grand merci ! It's difficult to make a choice as all the tree books seem to be wonderful. Après mure réflexion "Must Eat Paris" would be my most favourite choice. Kindest regards, Wim email:

  13. All of the books sound fantastic but as planning a trip to Paris next May, Must Eat Paris would be #1! Thank you! Love the blog, Julie!

  14. I honestly can´t choose± the grand vefour would be an absolutely treasure of recipes which would bring my Table d´Hotes at our B&B in the Provence,to new heights...but my next big love is also the Japanese´s better that you them all since I´m a cook book addict. Thanks for sharing this with us! Anita

  15. Must Eat Paris because I never know where to go eat when in Paris!

  16. Bonjour Julie,

    For the last three years I've been lucky enough to spend six weeks in Paris staying in different apartments situated in various arrondissements & getting the opportunity to explore all aspects of culinary delights this glorious city has to offer! I started a special interest group in NYC called "Francophiles Rendezvous" and my friends avidly follow my trips each year. Bien sûr, I would love to win a copy of "Must Eat Paris" to have on hand for l'année prochaine !

    Vida Schreibman

  17. My husband and I will be vising Paris in May to celebrate our 10th anniversary and our 50th birthdays. It is his first trip abroad and I'm so eager to show him the things I love about Paris. I would love to have a copy of Must Eat Paris so we can pick out both the "tried and true" dining experiences as well as the fun, adventurous food halls.

    Betsy Riggs

  18. Must Eat Paris sounds like a great guide for those of us visiting Paris! Hope to see you in the Fall in St. Remy as we will be back in Provence again (Puyricard) near Aix.

  19. Miss Julie, with all this quality competition for "Must Eat Paris," I think I will be better off buying a copy in the book store! I'm being realistic.... unless of course, when you finally come home to us in Saint Rémy you can free up a couple of days and we can go together on the TGV to Paris and you can let me look at your copy and we can choose the restaurant(s) together! My invite(s) to dine! How can you resist?!?

  20. Oh, such decisions--Must eat Paris finally wins because on doit visiter Paris when you land at CDG before heading south (or when you return)and each opportunity I have to do so is like a precious gift from the gods francais.

  21. I will be in Paris in 2 weeks but I know I would be much happier with the historical Le Grand Ve'four.

  22. Hi Julie,
    What a wonderful give-away, and always wonderful blog!! The book of my choice (Sola) is actually more like the Universe aligning me with it. Here is why I think this. First , I am a huge Francophile with a dream of retiring to France. However, currently, I live in Japan where I take French lessons from a French man who used to be a Chef! He is married to a Japanese woman named...wait for it...Hiroko! Clearly, he does all the cooking in their household and is always learning and trying new Franco-Nihon (Japanese) fusion meals. What's more, my step-daughter's name is Rochelle and we took her to La Rochelle, both the city in France, and the restaurant in Japan!
    I would so love to win this book and gift it to my friends David and Hiroko in honor of their wedding anniversary! They are the greatest Franco-Japanese fusion I've ever known!!
    Thanks for this opportunity and all the great reads here on The Provence Post!

    1. Kristina I need your email please. :)

    2. Hi there,
      Sorry for the delay. My email is: I apologize that I left that all-important detail out! I was just so excited about the giveaway and the connection of Sola to my present life!

  23. Hello Julie
    Must Eat Paris. When we travel to Paris I spend hours looking up restaurants, reading comments, humming and hawing. Think of all the valuable time I could save by simply opening up Must Eat Paris.
    Julia MacKay

  24. Bonjour Julie. We run a cooking school in Brittany (French Dining School) four hours from Paris and I would love to have all three books for our library! If I have to choose one it would be Must Eat Paris so that we can keep up with the changing restaurant scene in that beautiful city. Thank you. Niall O'Reilly.

  25. What a wonderful offer you're sharing! I think I'd be most interested in Must Eat Paris. I spend time in Paris every year and I'd love some new addresses!

  26. Hi Julie! Linda Funk a fellow Wisconsiite..long time! My vote would be Must Eat....hope to there next year with Sandy and Angie outing! :) thank you! Hope to see you soon!

  27. Spending my time writing
    but really, I do have to eat!

    Bonjour et Merci Monsieur Martin,
    seeing your book my heart skips a beat!

    Please Julie,the Giveaway Queen de Jour,
    je promets, the book for me is Le Grand Véfour!

    Merci beaucoup Julie!
    Lena Halvarsson, Provence

  28. J'aimerais bien gagner un des 3 livres parce que je suis une ancienne tourangelle qui aime la France et la vie francaise -- et surtout la cuisine, la meilleure du monde. Gros bisous!

  29. Hi Julie! I just posted your contest on my Facebook page -
    Hope you enjoyed your Provencal summer.

  30. Bonjour Julie! Thank you for your generous give away offer. If I had to pick, I would love to win Must Eat Paris. There are so many great places to dine out in Paris, it's hard to keep up! Merci!
