
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Another Fine French Book Giveaway!

Patricia Sands is one of the most peripatetic and prolific people I know. She seems to flit effortlessly between her homes in Toronto (main home) and Florida (vacation home) and then, once or twice a year, she pops up (for at least two months and often through home exchange) in the South of France, where she leads super-popular women's tours in Provence and on the Côte d'Azur.  She also loves to attend book signings, readings, authors conferences and other literary events in the US, Canada and beyond.

Plus, she's the happy matriarch of a large, Toronto-area blended family that includes seven adult 'kids’ and their partners and seven grandchildren (known as the Adorables).

And somehow, Patricia is also able to write books...lots of books...popular books!  Her award-winning debut novel, The Bridge Club, came out in 2010. Her second novel, The Promise of Provence, was followed by two more novels set in Provence...forming the bestselling Love in Provence trilogy. Her fifth novel, Drawing Lessons, is out this month. 

But wait, there's more!  In addition to writing for various Francophile websites, Patricia publishes a blog, a monthly email newsletter and a large number of social media posts--with beautiful photos--promoting things she and her friends feel passionate about. Her generosity with her online time is one of the many, many things I admire about her. She's constantly helping her followers and friends (both real and virtual) promote their own projects, their events, their blogs, websites, books and more. Those of us lucky enough to have found ourselves in her orbit can put up a post and be relatively certain she'll like it, comment on it, share it and/or re-tweet it, often at lightning speed. 

So now you know why there's no way I wasn't going to jump in and help spread the word about Patricia's newest book! Plus, the novel is set in Arles and the Camargue, two of my favorite places in Provence.  Plus, Patricia has generously offered a few copies for me to give away to my readers. Plus, this lady loves France as much as anyone I know!

Drawing Lessons is a portrait of a woman named Arianna who's forced to create a new life at age 62. She arrives in the South of France for a two-week artists’ workshop "full of anticipation but burdened by guilt" because back home in Toronto, she's been living with the devastating diagnosis of her husband’s dementia and the heartbreaking decision she’s had to make. Encouraged by family to take time for herself, she travels to Arles to paint in the same fields of poppies and sunflowers that inspired Van Gogh. Gradually, she draws strength from the warm companionship and gentle wisdom of her fellow artists...and gives herself permission to embrace the life in front of her.

Sound good? Then on to the giveaway! Patricia is offering us two signed print copies (one for readers in North America and one for readers in Europe) and  two ebooks (to readers living anywhere).  To enter, simply leave a comment under "comments" below. Please be sure to leave your email address or we won't be able to reach you if you win; signing in with your Google or Blogger account is not enough. When it says "reply as"...a good choice is "open ID" (use your name) or ID/URL (use your name and your website). If you can't comment for whatever reason, just email me at and I'll see that you're entered anyway.

If you'd like to go ahead and order the book, you'll find it in all the usual places...and on Amazon here. You may also order it from any book store.

Meanwhile, you can learn all about Patricia's background, books, trips and other activities on her website here.   

Bonne Chance!


  1. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book because Provence is my favorite place on earth!

    A month ago, my husband & I spent a wonderful week less than 10 km north of Arles. We're going back there next September so this book would surely provide some cultural background that would enrich our experience.

    Thanks, Julie, for providing this opportunity!

    1. I am all in for a new book taking place in my favorite part of the world! Love your blogspot Julie!

    2. Hi Kathi,
      How wonderful you can return so soon. Thanks for entering the contest!

    3. Bonjour Kathi ~ Provence is my favourite place on earth too! It's wonderful to have a return trip to dream about. Bonne chance with the draw!

  2. Patricia is such an interesting and versatile woman. I love Arles and the Camargue as well; there is so much more to Arles than one can fit in in a short 4 hour visit, as many travelers do. I would love to have a copy of the book and I know that many of my artist friends would love it as well! Thanks for posting.

    1. Hi Sharon!
      I never get tired of reading books set in our lovely Provence...and it seems many others feel the say way we do! Good luck!

  3. Could love a copy and hello to sharon de Rham who took my sisters and I on a tour of wineries
    Spent a week last year in Arles with my sisters.

    1. Hi Chris,
      I'll be sure to pass your message along to Sharon...merci!

    2. Sounds like you had a fabulous trip with your sisters, Chris! Bonne chance!

  4. Ahhhhh, Provence is great any time of he year! We go once a year, and it is never enough! Reading about it will lessen my ache for this lovely part of the world!

    1. Kathleen...
      You are so really is freat in Provence year round. Good luck in the contest...

    2. Kathleen, I agree once a year just isn't enough ... unless it lasts about six months! :-) Bonne chance!

  5. I am in love with the Provence area of France. Since visiting I like Patricia'scharacer have started painting lessons and have become an amateur painter of provencal landscapes. I appreciate the lavender,wheat, and fields of sunflowers.

  6. Provence is my Earthly Paradise. I'd love a copy to add to my collection.

    1. cigalechanvta ~ Entendu! I hear you! Bonne chance.

  7. I am in love with the Provence area of France. Since visiting I like Patricia's characer have started painting lessons and have become an amateur painter of provencal landscapes. I appreciate the lavender,wheat, and fields of sunflowers.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Painting lessons is going to be my next thing. I'd love to see your work one day. In the meantime, good luck!

    2. Barbara, it sounds like you and Arianna have something in common. How lovely! Bonne chance!

  8. I love Patricia Sand's books and would love to win a copy of her latest especially since it is about drawing. When I retired, I decided it was time to become passionate about something I had "dabbled" For the past 2 years I make sure I do something "arty" every day whether it is for 5 min. or 5 hours. I would love to read how Patricia's latest character makes out with her artistic endeavors. linpowell@hotmailcom

    1. Hi Lin,
      I think it's so important to do something arty and creative every day. You've inspired me! Merci!

    2. Lin, your words are music to my ears. I love hearing readers say they love my books! Words like that keep me writing! Merci et bonne chance!

  9. Hello Julie,

    I'd love to receive a copy of Patricia Sands' latest book to discover her writing and find out how Arianna is getting on in Arles and Camargue and how these two places with contrasting characters contribute to the story.

    Thank you for the opportunity.

    1. Nath., I loved spending an extended time photographing and making notes in and around Arles and in the Camargue. Can't wait to return! Bonne chance!

  10. Thank you for offering this wonderful book. I have enjoyed spending time in Provence for many years and have recently delved into the influence of the sun, sea, and terroir on the products, practices, and perspectives of the region. This part of the world is magical in the ways the location influences many products from the earth, for example - olive trees, many varieties of olives and olive oils, olive wood products, the inspiration found in the locale by artists, poets, musicians, cinematographers. I would love to read Patricia Sands' book to live vicariously through her writing. MERCI!

    1. Mary Lynn, you have a wonderful understanding for the beauty and magic of this area. Bonne chance!

  11. I'm thankful for this offer and look forward to reading this book. Enjoyed her books immensely.

    1. Cathy, it's great to see you here at Julie's outstanding site! Good luck with this draw. :-)

  12. I just read Patricia's first book - I can't believe I didn't know about her until now! I've got a lot of catching up to do! Just bought an apartment in Bargemon (northwest of Nice), where we will go for 2-3 months as often as our budget allows. Can't wait to explore some of the places I read about in Patricia's book!

    1. Nancy! My friends lived in Bargemom until just recently...and they loved it. Bravo to you for buying the apartment and I hope you get to spend much wonderful time there. :)

    2. Congratulations on your new home in Bargemon ~ lucky you! I'm so glad you have discovered my books. Good luck with the draw.

  13. I’m always happy to hear about a good book, especially if it takes place in France. Thanks for the giveaway offer/drawing. I’d love a copy of the book. My email is

    1. And I love writing stories set in France, Trudy. Bonne chance!

  14. I have read all her books so far and always wait eagerly for a new one to come out....And here it is. Hurray for all of us. Thank you for putting me in the drawing. my email is -

    1. This is so're a true fan! Patricia will be really pleased to read your comment. Good luck to definitely should have this book!!!

    2. That's music to an author's ears! Mille mercis! I better get back to writing the next one. Bonne chance!

  15. I've read all Patricia Sands books...would love to win an autographed copy. Thank you for the opportunity!

    1. Hi Sue ~ What fun to find you here! Thanks for being such an enthusiastic reader. Bonne chance!

  16. I would love to be taken away to Provence. An artist's retreat in the poppy fields sounds like a cure for anything.

    1. D'accord! I couldn't agree more, Amy. Bonne chance!

  17. having a library of provence books i would like to add this one!

    1. That sounds like a fine collection! Bonne chance!

  18. "Possibilitarian," I LOVE IT!!! Patricia, I want to learn from you, as well as read your books ;0)

    Julie, you have my email address--I'd rather not post it for the world to see xox

    1. Hi Apryl,
      Isn't that great: possibilitarian? Patricia really does have an amazingly positive outlook. I definitely have your address, hope to see you again soon, and wish you good luck in the draw! :)

    2. I love that word too, Apryl. I think that's how Julie approaches life too! Bonne chance!

  19. This book looks so lovely I would LOVE to win!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  20. I have lived in Provence for the last 16 years having done up a run down 18th C mas (farmhouse) in 2002 and now running it as a holiday let. As a Brit, Brexit threatened to cast a shadow over my Provencale life but I have decided to stay come what may - even if it means taking out French citizenship ! I would love to win Patrician Sands book also because she sounds like a very dynamic Canadian friend of mine who flits between Vancouver and here all the time.

    1. I hope Brexit doesn't cause too much of a problem. It's so disappointing! Good luck with your future plans ~ may they all work out as they should. Fingers crossed! We Canadians do love to flit to Provence! :-)

  21. Message emailed by reader Ronna M:

    Bonjour Julie! You helped us plan some wonderful tours during our trip to Provence in June 2015 and I still follow your blog (and dream of the next time I can back to the lovely south of France!). I would love a chance to win a copy of Drawing Lessons, but I didn’t want to post my email publicly. If possible, please enter me in the drawing. Thank you so much!

    1. Julie knows how to plan the best trips! Good luck with the draw.

  22. I've bought too many books lately on the French Resistance which I have to read to help me with my own writing. I've been resisting buying Drawing Lessons so as not to be distracted! I've read Patricia's other books and would love to win her latest addition to her growing library of novels. Fingers crossed!

  23. No wonder you enjoy this author, she sounds like you. Generous, hard working and talented. Like some of your blog readers, I've also recently taken up painting and you already know I'm a Francophile. Clearly this sounds like a book I'll enjoy. Thank you for spreading the word.

    1. Awww Pam...such nice words...thank you! Good luck with your painting...come to Provence for a workshop! :)

  24. A reader writes:

    Hi Julie, Please enter my name in the give away for the Patricia Sands book. We are going on a river cruise in Burgandy and Provence next week! It will be our first trip to France and we are planning another trip for next year with friends - Paris and environs. You have my email...Merci!

    Lynda Bell

  25. Hi, please enter my name into your giveaway for the Patricia Sands book. I would love to win this for my personal library of signed books! I'm a fan of Patricia's books and would be honored to own this. She's such an accomplished (and amazing) woman! michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

  26. I have always wanted to go to Provence. This sounds like a great book. mrspoofa @ aol dot com.

  27. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I just finished The Promise of Provence. Loved it ! I'm looking forward to reading her other books as well.

    Carol Luciano
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  28. I'm a fan of Patricia Sands and would love to win her new book. Actually, I'm a fan of all things Provence and your blog!

    1. Thanks Marilyn! Very nice of you to say! Good luck in the contest...

  29. Hello Julie and Patricia! Thank you for the opportunity to win! Blessings...

  30. Sounds so good but how could it not be? Thank you for the chance to win.

  31. I am not sure I can win this book cause we are friends but I am certainly going to read it as we have alot in common. I came here 15 years ago to recueprate from a very stressful time in my life. I came with an artworkshop for two weeks and painted all the beautiful scenes in Provence and found not only a certain peace in and confidence I needed but also I met my companion - a french beglian guy - and have been here ever since. I am 61 yrs! It seems that main character of this book and I have alot in common. Uncanny in fact.
